Italian espresso coffee: birth and origins in Italy

Italian espresso coffee: birth and origins in Italy

Did you know that Italian espresso coffee was born in Italy and more precisely in Turin? The invention of the coffee machine is in fact due to an entrepreneur in the field of liqueurs and chocolate: Angelo Moriondo.In 1884, Moriondo conceived the first espresso machine to meet the needs of his customers. The entrepreneur, manager of two important hotels in Turin, sought a way to please his customers who had little time to enjoy a coffee. He therefore designed a machine that would make a "fast" coffee and presented it at the Turin General Expo in 1884.In the newly invented machine, the water was boiled and then, through a system of coils, it reached the container with the coffee. The water was therefore brought under pressure, allowing the coffee to be prepared much more quickly. The birth of the name espresso"The name espresso derives from this: according to the stories of the time, the machine could make 10 cups of coffee every two minutes. Furthermore, being more concentrated, it preserved the aromas and perfumes better, making it even tastier. The first machine patent was filed in May 1884: subsequently other improvements were made and other patents filed until the international one was obtained. Angelo Moriondo never commercialized his idea, continuing to create only a few examples by hand. Perhaps for this reason his name is not well known. However, it is his invention that revolutionized one of the most widespread habits among Italians. First Coffee Machine in Turin, Italy The rapid spread of the machineIn the early years of the twentieth century Desiderio Pavoni bought the patents and began the series production of the machines, founding the Pavoni company. It was a huge success and from that moment the machine spread very quickly.The mechanism of the machines made later remains the one born in Turin at the end of the 19th century. And to think that in every cup of the most popular drink in the world there is a pinch of Italy, makes those who live and love the Italian peninsula proud.
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