+15 Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds at Home

+15 Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds at Home

Throwing coffee grounds away in the trash would be a real shame, since they are rich in antioxidants and can be easily reused in various ingenious ways, to be dedicated to the care of beauty, the home, the garden and the vegetable garden. There are many re-uses of coffee grounds and here we point out some of the main ones:For your home Keep away the ants If the ants have reached your home, do not resort to drastic and toxic remedies, but use the coffee grounds to be placed in the affected areas to remove them. Cleaning the fireplace Cleaning the fireplace and removing the ash will be easier by sprinkling the surfaces with still damp coffee grounds, which can also absorb any bad smells. Dye the fabrics With the coffee grounds brought to a boil in water it is possible to obtain a natural dye to be used on fabrics or to paint on canvas and paper. House cleaning To remove stubborn dirt and encrustations from the washable surfaces of the house, it is possible to rub coffee grounds on them with the help of a sponge, possibly adding a little water or natural liquid soap to facilitate the operation. Car or refrigerator deodorant Store and let the coffee grounds dry to use them to create a car air freshener that can absorb bad odors and humidity. The coffee must be placed in a mesh bag to be closed with a tape. Alternatively, you can use the tip of an old pair of tights. It can be used as a natural deodorant for the refrigerator. Just fill a bowl with ground coffee and leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Furniture restoration Scratches on dark wood furniture can be touched up by using very concentrated coffee or sprinkling them with coffee grounds mixed with warm water until a creamy paste is obtained. For your beauty Anti-cellulite treatment By mixing leftover ground coffee, brown sugar and a little coconut oil it is possible to obtain a natural treatment to be used against cellulite. Thanks to the presence of coffee and massaging the preparation with circular movements on the affected areas, an anti-cellulite effect can be obtained. Remove bad smells from your hands Garlic, onions, leeks, spices and other foods can cause persistent odors to form on the hands. To remove them, use coffee grounds to rub on your fingers and palms, and then rinse with warm water. Dye your hair small amount of coffee grounds can be added during the preparation of henna in order to obtain naturally dark reflections on your hair. Otherwise, with some leftover coffee, cold and very diluted, it is possible to carry out the penultimate rinse of the hair to revive the color. Body scrub Getting a body scrub will be very simple by mixing coffee grounds with olive oil, until you get a mixture that can be easily massaged on the skin. Foot bath An energizing foot bath, perfect for stemming sweating and keeping unpleasant odors at bay, can be prepared by diluting leftover coffee in lukewarm water. With coffee grounds you can massage your feet to soften rough areas. Face mask You can make a face mask using coffee grounds. The preparation of this mask, suitable for softening the skin, is very simple. Just mix 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons of milk or yogurt (even vegetable), 1 tablespoon of honey. The mask can be applied to damp skin, massaging, and left on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing. For your garden Fertilize the flowers Coffee grounds are suitable for fertilizing flowers that love acid soils, such as roses and azaleas. The soil will reach the necessary acidity and the flowers will be able to draw more nourishment from it. Drive away snails The ground coffee, obtained by letting the grounds left in the coffee pot air dry, can be sprinkled along the edges of the garden to ward off snails without resorting to harmful chemicals. Another useful solution in this regard is represented by ash. Sow carrots Mixing the carrot seeds with a small part of recovered coffee powder will make it easier to distribute them on the ground during sowing. In addition, the coffee will be able to give carrots more nourishment to promote their growth. Enrich the compost Coffee grounds are rich in potassium, phosphorus, copper and magnesium they release nitrogen into the soil and make it slightly acidic. You can also put them directly as fertilizer for your plants Grow mushrooms Coffee grounds are a useful fertilizer for the home cultivation of mushrooms, which can be facilitated by purchasing a starter kit. Mushroom growing kits are available online.
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