Ginseng Coffee: what is it and what are its origins?

Ginseng Coffee: what is it and what are its origins?

Increasingly loved by people, ginseng coffee is now a drink consumed in bars during the day. Its success tickles curiosity: in fact, not everyone knows the origin of this drink, its benefits and effects on the body.Ginseng, in fact, is an invigorating, energizing and digestive root, considered - in the Asian tradition from which it comes - an almost universal remedy against any type of disease or difficulty. In particular, it is believed that ginseng is a precious ally against aging and its name derives from the Chinese word "rensheng" which means "man".Precisely for the specific properties of this root, a specific blend of black coffee and ginseng was devised, thus creating what we can commonly order or taste as: ginseng coffee. Let's see what its characteristics are and what benefits of the root are also translated into the drink. Ginseng coffee: what is it about?Ginseng coffee is produced by infusing the beans or coffee powder with the root of Panax quinquefolius, or the type of American ginseng. The root has a faint and characteristic odor, a slightly spicy and mucilaginous taste which, initially, is bitter, but then turns to sweet. The roots can be 3.5 to 20 cm long and 0.5 to 2.5 cm thick: they are often tapered downwards and curved at the ends. The root surface is covered by longitudinal roughness and, in the upper area, more or less marked transverse rings can be observed. From root powder to coffee shops around the world, the transition today is short. But it is important to point out that ginseng coffee is regarded as a difficult to classify drink. In fact, it can be included both in food and in food supplements. In this regard, what is liked is the naturalness of the blend which makes ginseng coffee an often preferred alternative for those who are particularly sensitive to this aspect of the diet. Does ginseng coffee contain caffeine? Here are the ingredientsThere is no single ginseng coffee recipe, however in general there are some recurring elements that we find in most commercial versions of the drink:- Milk cream that can be either of vegetable origin or lactose-free.- Sugar, in subjective quantities based on the sweetening level of the drink we want to obtain, considering that, compared to traditional coffee, this is less bitter due to the presence of the root powder.- Instant coffee, containing a dose, albeit minimal, of caffeine which, therefore, is also present in ginseng coffee, but in an amount not considered responsible for a possible addiction.- Dry extract of ginseng, or an extract of the root, in powder, which preserves its properties Ginseng coffee: benefitsOne of the reasons why more and more people choose ginseng coffee is because of some benefits that characterize this drink and differentiate it from the classic espresso. If in the East it is widely consumed due to its aphrodisiac potential, not scientifically proven, in the West it is often used to stimulate mental functions. In fact, the beneficial effects are greater clarity, reactivity and vigilance. According to some, it also has a positive impact on the ability to memorize concepts or contents of various kinds. In this regard, there are some scientific studies that aim to highlight the correlations between the components of ginseng, also in the form of coffee, and the Central Nervous System. The results achieved so far state that the oriental root exerts an action of modulation of the excitation state of neurons, thus making them ready to give an optimal response to external and internal stimuli. Also from a biological point of view, it was found that some molecules contained in ginseng coffee have a vasodilating effect and, therefore, would also favor blood circulation. This aspect, still not fully and exhaustively investigated, would open an important therapeutic window for all those who suffer from arterial hypertension. Furthermore, the promoters of the consumption of ginseng coffee as an alternative to the traditional drink point out that there are also other concrete health benefits that derive from the root. For example, some scientific research seems to support the hypothesis that ginseng derivatives positively modulate blood sugar, naturally lowering it when it is high. Other studies, however, have observed how the drink made from coffee beans and Panax quinquefolius powder can contribute to a general strengthening of the immune system. Who is ginseng coffee recommended for?It seems established that ginseng coffee has concrete health benefits. In particular, it is recommended for those who lead a very hectic and intense lifestyle, and are looking for a way to relax and release tension. In fact, especially unlike traditional coffee, ginseng coffee contributes to the reduction of stress and fatigue, contributing to an improvement in mood and vitality. Among the other benefits that we can also observe on our own organism, if we decide to supplement our diet with ginseng coffee, it should also be mentioned that it improves the sense of appetite and relieves the sense of fatigue. A real panacea for many of the small evils widespread among the population. But among the many benefits, are there also any contraindications to the consumption of this hot drink? Ginseng coffee: does it have any contraindications?In general, for those in good health there are no real contraindications to the consumption of ginseng coffee, in fact the presence of caffeine in the drink is so low as to exclude the possibility of developing any form of addiction. However, excessive use - that is, more than four cups a day - can cause headaches, insomnia, palpitations and an increase in blood pressure. In this regard, it is good to remember that the effect can be subjective and, consequently, it is a good idea to always refer to a medical opinion in the event that these symptoms are found.Finally, the consumption of ginseng coffee is not recommended for those suffering from severe hypertension, for those suffering from duodenal ulcer and severe insomnia. In these cases, in fact, even a limited quantity of the drink could have unpleasant consequences. How ginseng coffee is consumedAfter discovering all the secrets and benefits of ginseng coffee, all that remains is to answer one last curiosity: how is this increasingly popular drink consumed? The answer is very simple: in fact, it resembles traditional coffee also from this point of view. You can choose between hot, cold, macchiato with milk, sweetened or sweetened, as well as as part of cappuccino or latte. In fact, versatility is another feature of ginseng coffee that makes it a perfect alternative for those who do not want to do without coffee, in all its variants. On our site you will find a wide variety of Ginseng blends available in various formats. Find out more by clicking here.
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